Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below you will find information pertaining to next steps and the processes of working with BREC.

The 3 Steps to Goal Outline:

  1. Understand and learn your business. Our Needs/Wants fact finding session will be insightful to both client and BREC.
  2. Create a platform for achievement. Any successful team whether in competition sports, events or business requires a platform to achieve goals.
  3. Execution and implementation. Once we’ve worked together to select your team, it’s time to get to work and achieve this together…this is where the fun begins.

What happens next?

If you’re interested in potentially having BREC work with your team, group or organization, simply contact us. We will then coordinate a consultation which allows us to understand your needs and wants.

I like what we discussed and I am ready to move forward, how do we start?

After the initial consultation, if there is an opportunity to collaborate and work together for a successful outcome, you will enter into an agreement with BREC. These can range from a one time event or program, to a more extensive agreement spanning a certain duration of time.

What is involved in the consultation?

This consists of either an in-person meeting or conference call where you will discuss:

  • Project
  • Need/Wants Fact Finding
  • Organization Review
  • Budgets
  • Other Relevant Discussions

At the end of the consultation, BREC will begin the proposal phase and return a detailed overview of the consultation and potential next steps.

From here, you will enter into an agreement with BREC or part ways.

If you decide not to work with BREC, then there is no financial commitment on your part for the consultation.